The Wisdom Keepers Initiative
at Sovereign Rhythms Sanctuary
Our Mission:
The Wisdom Keeper’s Initiative aims to facilitate our healing from generations of divisiveness so that we can use the power of our interconnectivity to build a world that is better for everyone.
Our Values:
Make it easier for individuals who have been marginalized to share their perspective with listening members of the dominating culture.
Provide income opportunities for members of communities who have been marginalized.
Facilitate the creation of indigenous led, land based, liberatory space offering music, art, and culture for everyone.
Current Priorities:
Cultivating an engaged and accountable community
Facilitating skill development in deep listening, heart centered sharing, conscious embodiment, and intentional relating in Sovereign Rhythms so that we are building a community of engaged individuals with a growing capacity to show up with rooted intention and compassionate empowerment when our Wisdom Keepers have something to offer us.
Facilitation of reciproconomic sharing of cultural wisdom.
Using our platform to curate welcoming spaces for our Wisdom Keepers to share what they choose to offer with ease so that they get to be more appreciated for and nourished by their gifts, which simultaneously get to become more widely accessible to others.
Creation of indigenous led, intergenerational healing and learning spaces.
Fundraising and building relationships with land, and liberation minded beings across turtle island so we can facilitate the creation indigenous-led liberatory spaces to be left in trust – offering access to nature, music, art and culture to the coming generations.
Our Vision:
We envision a world built of...
love where all humans get to feel safe, seen, and supported.
compassion where the needs of the people are prioritized above corporate profits.
wisdom where decisions are made with respect for all beings.
generosity that utilizes a currency of connection within a gift economy.
balance where wisdoms of fire-side elders sit alongside advanced degrees.
empathy where harm is met with repair instead of retribution.
connection where value is found within the miraculous beauty of existence.
humility where we can let go of being right and lean into learning from difference.
reverence where regard for the sacred within the mundane is ever-present.
responsibility where actions are informed by relations to future generations.
courage where hard things are faced head on and not swept under the rug.
peace where our interconnectivity gets to be our superpower.
We offer our Wisdom Keepers:
Virtual platform access including storefront & Mighty Network software to create live and self-paced classes and courses, subscription based community spaces.
Individual webpage on our site with bio, photo, and all offerings
Heutagogical Curriculum Development Support
Creation of supplemental learning materials & infographics
Introductory Interview with video footage and documented quotes
Custom Graphics
Collection and curation of reviews and testimonials
Branding support
We strive to handle all of the administrative and behind the scenes so that our Wisdom Keepers can simply show up and share from the heart.
Our Wisdom Keepers receive 100% of money that comes in for their offerings.
They are invited to share their reflections and feedback on the work Sovereign Rhythms has done on their behalf during our After-Class Accountability Circles.
This is also the space where Wisdom Keepers are invited to offer any monetary representations of their gratitude to Sovereign Rhythms Sanctuary – if they choose to.
This is NOT an expectation – and is gratefully received when offered.
If you have skills that feel aligned, and you'd like to offer them in support of this initiative, please email
We gratefully accept donations from the community to support our Wisdom Keeper’s Initiative.